Questions to Asked About Ultrasound Services in Lehigh Acres, FL
An ultrasound helps your doctor determine the cause of illness or internal injury. Talk to our team of medical professionals today at Dr Pedro Ylisastigui MD, about our in-house ultrasound services. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1150 Lee Blvd. #4 Lehigh Acres, FL 33936.

Table of Contents:
How does ultrasound work?
What can ultrasound be used for?
Will my insurance cover ultrasound services?
One of the first steps a doctor will take in determining the cause of an illness or internal injury is to use ultrasound imaging to create an image, using high-frequency sound waves of the soft tissue inside the body. Ultrasound is also known as sonography imaging, which uses a small transducer (probe) that both transmits sound waves into the body and records the echoes from the sound waves that echo back. Sound waves are emitted into the area of the body being examined, and when they hit a boundary between tissues, like soft tissue and fluid, or bone and soft tissue, some waves are reflected to the probe, while others travel further on until they hit another boundary. The speed, direction, and distance of the sound waves will differ, depending on the obstacle they run into. A computer then interprets the information into a two-dimensional image on a screen. How the area being examined absorbs the sound waves determines the intensity and shape of the echoes. An example is how a fluid-filled cyst may send back very few, or faint images, and appear black on the display screen, whereas sound waves that bounce off a solid tumor will be interpreted on the computer as a light-colored image. Bone and air also reflect sound waves.
For over 60 years, ultrasound technology has been considered very safe as it does not use radiation, and there are no known risks. It has a variety of uses, the most widely known of which is during pregnancy, providing images to monitor the health of the fetus and viability of the developing embryo, as well as the health of the mother. An ultrasound is also widely used to investigate the source of pain, swelling, bruising, and other symptoms. An abdominal ultrasound can detect kidney stones, gallstones, liver disease, and the cause of stomach pain. Ultrasound is also very helpful in examining cartilage, muscles, tendons, and ligaments for inflammation or fluid build-up. Concerns surrounding symptoms of joint pain in the ankles, wrists, knees, or shoulders, are commonly examined using a musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK). Since a doctor can evaluate an area of concern while it’s moving, and watch the movements that create symptoms, the dynamic nature of the ultrasound leads to the doctor’s ability to provide a more accurate diagnosis. An ultrasound is also capable of distinguishing between a cyst and a tumor because a cyst is a liquid-filled, and mostly benign sac, whereas a tumor is an area of a complex tissue that can be benign or malignant. The ultrasound is also capable of distinguishing between a benign and malignant tumor, based on its location and shape, as well as other sonographic characteristics.
Most medical insurance plans typically cover the cost of an ultrasound screening, although there are exceptions and limitations. In general, employees who have either private or employer-sponsored health coverage can expect their carrier to pay some, or possibly all, of the cost of the ultrasound, provided the procedure is considered a medical necessity. However, it is always a good practice to check with your private insurer, or the plan administrator of your employer-sponsored health insurance plan, just to be sure ultrasound screenings are covered under your particular healthcare plan.
Our experienced, compassionate, and highly skilled staff, and healthcare professionals at Dr Pedro Ylisastigui MD, take great pride in offering our community a wide range of high-quality healthcare services in a warm and friendly environment. Call our office to set up an appointment, or visit our website for directions or more information. We serve patients from Lehigh Acres FL, Fort Myers FL, Buckingham FL, Cypress Lake FL, Gateway FL, Cape Coral FL, Palmona Park FL, and Alva FL.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Disease Management
▸ Medication Management
▸ Physicals
▸ Sports Physicals
▸ Ultrasound
▸ Bone Density
▸ Referrals
▸ Arthritis Specialist
▸ Alzheimer’s vs Dementia
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Asthma Specialist
▸ Primary Care Physician
▸ Chronic Care Management